From the early 1960’s until 2009, the Members were full requirements wholesale distribution customers of TVA. During the almost five decades that the TVA Wholesale Power Contracts were in force, TVA supplied all of the Members’ power and energy requirements in excess of relatively small allotments of power received by each Member from federally-owned facilities through the Southeastern Power Administration (“SEPA”). Consequently, neither Member had the need to construct or acquire any other generating or contractual power supply resources for serving its power and energy requirements. Each Member’s Wholesale Power Contract with TVA was terminable upon five years notice prior to termination and on December 14, 2004, Paducah Electric provided TVA with notice of termination of its Wholesale Power Contract effective December 21, 2009. Princeton Electric followed suit the next month giving notice to TVA that it would terminate its Wholesale Power Contract effective January 25, 2010.
Based upon the feasibility studies, the Members determined that mutual advantage would be derived from the coordinated planning, construction and operation of new energy facilities and joint purchases, sales and exchanges of electric power and energy. KMPA was subsequently organized by the Members on February 7, 2005 in order to acquire an interest in the development of the Prairie State Energy Campus, to provide for additional services necessary to implement the programs and procedures required to obtain the long-term benefits indicated by the initial power supply studies and to manage the operations of the Members’ resource portfolios.
KMPA, on behalf of its Members, coordinates planning, construction and operation of joint electric power supply projects and any and all facilities, including all equipment, structures, machinery, and tangible and intangible property, real and personal, required for the generation or transmission of electrical energy, including any fuel supply or source useful for such a project.
Pursuant to Chapters 65 and 96 of the Kentucky Revised Statutes, KMPA is authorized and empowered to issue bonds to defray the costs of acquiring, constructing and equipping electric generation facilities such as the Project. From time to time, KMPA may issue future series of notes or bonds to provide for the completion of the Project and for additional projects to benefit its Members.
KMPA’s officers and directors are as follows:
Hardy Roberts, Chairman
Rickie W. Williams, Vice Chairman
Kevin Kizzee, Secretary
David Carroll
Both Members have approved respective Power Sales Agreements with KMPA to purchase a portion of their respective electrical requirements from KMPA’s share of the electric power and energy to be generated by the Prairie State Energy Campus. At the present time, Paducah Electric is entitled to purchase 83.9% of KMPA’s share of the Project and Princeton Electric is entitled to purchase the remaining 16.1%. Each of the Power Sales Agreements is a “take or pay” agreement under which each Member has agreed to pay for its portion of KMPA’s share of the Project at rates sufficient to enable KMPA to recover all of its costs incurred with respect to the Project. The Members are obligated to pay for their respective portions of the Project whether or not the Project is complete, operable, or operating and whether or not the Project’s output is suspended, interrupted, interfered with, reduced, curtailed or terminated in whole or in part.
Paducah Electric
Princeton Electric
(104 MW)
(20 MW)
PPS General Manager and KMPA General Manager
- Power Supply and Sales Analyst for PPS’ generation portfolio and power marketing
- Director of Finance and Administration 1998-2017
- Board member of American Municipal Power and Prairie State Boards
KMPA Chief Financial Officer
- PPS Director of Finance, Power Supply
and Rates Over 30 years of experience in consulting for municipal electric utilities and joint action agencies
CPA for 30 years (now inactive)
- BBA in Accounting, MBA
Princeton Electric Plant Board General Manager
- Princeton Electric GM since 2016
- KMPA Assistant GM since 2016
- Professional Engineer in Kentucky
KMPA and PPS Board Chair
- PPS Board Member since 2011
- Owned and operated LeakePrinting Company and Flagship Printing Company from 1970 to 2008
- 29 year member and former Chairman of the Paducah Cable Commission Authority
KMPA Board Vice-Chairman
- Princeton representative on KMPA Board since 2005
- Certified Public Accountant
- Member of Kentucky Society of CPAs and the AICPA
1500 Broadway
Paducah, KY 42001
PH: 270.575.4035
Fax: 270.575.4027
© 2018 Kentucky Municipal Power Agency, All Rights Reserved.